Top 5 Eco Living Myths Busted!

Top 5 Eco Living Myths Busted!

Myth 1: Recycling is the ultimate solution to waste management 

Debunked: Although, recycling is a fundamental tool in our mighty battle for a waste-free planet, despite “only 9% of the plastic ever produced has been recycled”

According to MIT Technology Review estimates, 9% of a massive amount of plastic is still a massive amount of plastic being recycled. However, one key reason ‘The 5 Rs’ are put in this order: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. Is because it is in order of most significant (impact in reducing consumption and waste) to least significant. 

Myth 2: You can’t make a difference

Debunked: That has to be the most common and worst myth out there about living sustainably, as this myth can cause a huge problem because it stops people from even trying to be eco-friendly, however, luckily this is the easiest myth to explain (to any stubborn soon-to-be eco-warriors). Once you know the “butterfly effect”, which is the idea that something small, like for example, reusing a plastic bag when shopping, can have much larger effects, such as helping to ban plastic bags! Just remember you have the power to create change. 


Myth 3: Renewable energy is unreliable and expensive  

Debunked: Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power have become increasingly reliable and the cost is growing more competitive with traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels, two major problems with renewable energy which is quickly becoming insignificant, brilliant stuff, we think so!

Also, this is backed up by the calculations done by Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) in 2023 excitingly found that the rapidly decreasing pricing of electricity products by solar panels is down by 87% since 2013, making it more affordable (in fact, in the long run, renewable energy can actually save you money). Additionally, people who switch from dirt fuels to renewable energy help us have cleaner air while allowing people to effortlessly lower their greenhouse gas emissions.


Myth 4: Eco-friendly products are always more expensive 

Debunked: While we completely agree some eco-friendly products may have a higher upfront cost, they often prove to be more cost-effective in the long run. For example, energy-efficient appliances and LED light bulbs can cost a tad bit more initially but can save you money on your utility bills over time. Additionally, some sustainable choices, like buying reusable items instead of disposables, can save money over the long term.
 Also, when it comes to natural cleaning sprays and zero waste hair care this can definitely be true, well, it was, don’t mind the shameless product promotion, but our product range prices is up to 50% cheaper than overpriced eco-products want to take a peek at how much you can save then click the link: 


Myth Busted 5: Ecological living requires giving up modern comforts 

Debunked: Living an environmentally friendly lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to ditch all your modern comfort, in fact, completely the opposite! Because living a sustainable life is about making conscious choices that cut down on waste (or hopefully eliminate it) and also reducing your environmental impact. For example, you can still have your lights on when a blanket of grey clouds say hiya to you, our nice way of saying when the British weather strikes once again, but just add a sustainable twist to it, like replacing your light bulbs with LEDs, and if you can consider switching to a renewable energy tariff. Plus turning off your lights when not in the room.
Also, being passionate about the environment or even having the simple goal of reducing your CO2 impact on the planet, allows you to help regain a sense of purpose and passion that is lacking in most people. Allowing you to feel that every day you wake up can have a positive Earth-changing impact on the planet every day. This is further illustrated by Research Gate which states, “harmonious passion contributes to sustained psychological well-being while preventing the experience of negative affect, psychological conflict, and ill-being.” Meaning you can still have your sustainable twist on your modern comforts and have a passion, an over looked modern comfort which caring for the environment can gift you. 
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